Meet the growing list in our HorsesDaily Community. Dedicated professionals in the Equestrian Industry who have much to offer in talent, experience, knowledge and our shared passion for horses. We want to thank them for supporting us as the longest running website in Equestrian Sport.

HorsesDaily began in 1997, and was one of the very first websites following shows, news, and the people and horses in our world. It has remained a constant and reliable presence where many others have come and gone. Mary Phelps and her team have continued  bring quality news and important information, with honesty and integrity.

Join our HorsesDaily Community and have your dedicated place on the longest running website in Equestrian Sport (est 1997).
Benefit from our daily traffic of a large and loyal audience geared to your business.

Some basic numbers in just 90 days of traffic
22,000 new visitors, 44,000 total , 1.4 million total impressions

Our Community of Members